Creating an Objective

Typically managers will be the ones adding objectives. They will usually be added after an organization-wide meeting to ensure that there is alignment of objectives across the organization. Objectives are usually set for either the month or the quarter, but you are free to set whatever time period you like.

To add an objective, you just add a regular checklist item to the page, but make sure the Checklists setting (in the Settings form) is set to Objectives when in draft mode. Note: even though you can still add forms to checklist items that are objectives, the forms will be ignored.

When defining your objective it's important to make sure that it's broad enough to be a goal without being a task. Workers shouldn't be able to look at the objective and know exactly what to do. At the same time the objective shouldn't be so vague that any kind of task would qualify as promoting the goal.

In general, if you come up with an objective you should immediately ask "Why?" to see if you can make the goal broader, but also ask "Are there 5 measurable results of this objective that we can realistically achieve?". If the answer is no, then try to make the objective more specific.

The objectives should also be "aspirational", meaning that they should encourage you to reach higher than you're currently capable of reaching, without being so unrealistic that they discourage you. This is the reason that we typically look for 70-80% completion of the objective. Any more then the objective was too "easy" and not aspirational. Any less then it was too "lofty" and unrealistic.

Once you have decided on your objective, you can enter it into the text as a checklist item. 

Upon completion of the list of objectives, committing the page will show it as a series of checkboxes. By clicking each objective it will take you to the task details, where you will see the Key Results list underneath. This is where you can add and update your Key Results.

We'll be discussing the Key Results section next.

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