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Website Browsing

Web pages, accessed via an Internet browser, are a central part of using the Internet. It is expected the staff will browse web pages during the course of their employment, but they must understand that the Internet services are provided primarily for business related use, and therefore there will be restrictions on what you can access, and how you can interact with those sites.

While it is acceptable to occasionally visit websites that are for personal use, this should not become a distraction from your regular work. Also, accessing those sites should not consume excessive resources such as bandwidth usage. For example, watching high definition videos (including live videos) excessively for personal reasons is prohibited.

We recommend that all staff use the Google Chrome web browser, and that the most recent release is used. Updates to the product should not be ignored as they may pertain to important security improvements.

All browsing will be monitored and interactions may be recorded. Access to certain websites may be blocked. Staff should not expect privacy when browsing websites.

Any sites where sensitive data is entered or displayed should not be accessed on an insecure connection. Always ensure that you are on an HTTPS site (indicated by the lock icon in the URL bar) before providing or accessing any sensitive data.

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Up Since 5/7/2024 10:53:17 PM