Managing Company News / Blog

Many organizations have news they would like to share with their staff on a regular basis. Whether that is information about an upcoming staff meeting, or quarterly results or details about events. The Blog tab provides a place where companies can create such postings, and share them with staff through email.

The Blog tab can be found at the top of the screen, alongside the Policies and Procedures tab. A Wiki Manager can add articles to the blog tab.

When the Blog tab is first accessed and there are no blog entries, a button will appear to insert the first blog article.

Editing the article is identical to editing a Policy or Procedures article. Once the blog has been posted, it will appear in the navigator to the left. 


Once the article has been posted, you can then proceed to share with other staff members. You can do this from the action menu, clicking Send to Users. This is explained in more detail here.

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Up Since 2/14/2025 11:59:13 PM