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System Event Audit Log Inspection

Audit logs and records must be created and retained to the extent needed to enable the monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful or unauthorized system activity. 

An audit logged event is any observable occurrence in a system, which includes unlawful or unauthorized system activity. Organizations identify event types for which a logging functionality is needed as those events which are significant and relevant to the security of systems and the environments in which those systems operate to meet specific and ongoing auditing needs. Event types can include password changes, failed logons or failed accesses related to systems, administrative privilege usage, or third-party credential usage. In determining event types that require logging, organizations consider the monitoring and auditing appropriate for each of the CUI security requirements. Monitoring and auditing requirements can be balanced with other system needs. For example, organizations may determine that systems must have the capability to log every file access both successful and unsuccessful, but not activate that capability except for specific circumstances due to the potential burden on system performance. 

Relevant staff must ensure that all applicable systems create and retain audit logs that contain enough information to identify and investigate potentially unlawful or unauthorized system activity. Relevant staff must define the audit logs it needs to collect as well as the specific events to capture within the selected logs. Captured audit records are checked to verify that they contain the required events. In defining the audit log retention period, contractors must ensure that logs are retained for a sufficiently long period to allow for the investigation of a security event. The retention period must take into account the delay of weeks or months that can occur between an initial compromise and the discovery of attacker activity.

Audit logs must be reviewed on a regular basis as part of continual security monitoring. Please add a record of audit log inspections below:

Audit Log Inspection

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