Collecting Witness Testimony

Incidents reports may have witnesses to corroborate a situation that has occurred. The incident reporter will typically add the names of any witnesses in the report. This is important for the incident assignee to know whom to collect witness testimony from.

To collect witness testimony, go to the incident report and click on the "Request Input" button.

The Request Input form will appear with drop-down menus to select users and input request type.

Select the witness user from the "Assigned To" drop-down and set the "Request Type" to "Witness Testimony".

After adding details of the input request to "Request Info" and clicking OK, a notification will be sent out to the witness.

A record of the request will be made and can be found in the Records sub-tab at the bottom of the incident report.

The witness user will see a "Enter Details" form upon clicking on the request record in the incident report.

Witnesses will be able to provide a statement, as well as upload attachments that may be relevant to the incident.

The incident reporter will be notified when the witness responds to the request and it will be added as details in the same record.

Note: Only the incident assignee(s) and the individual witnesses will be able to view their witness testimony record. This is a feature meant to secure witness confidentiality.

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Up Since 9/23/2024 4:45:10 PM