CSS Styling Reference

The following are a list of classes and IDs used in the platform's web pages that serve as a CSS reference for customizing the display. You will use these classes and IDs when providing your custom CSS in the Override CSS or Custom CSS settings.

Note: In some cases you may have to add !important to the end of the CSS style, to override any defaults.

Article Content CSS

Main article content area

Article Title


This contains:

  • article title heading (uses h1)
  • edit icon
  • actions menu icon
  • text to speech button
  • horizontal bottom border

Article Body


Body content styling should be specified within this class, such as:

  • section headings (uses h2)
  • paragraph text formatting
  • blockquotes
  • lists
  • links

Table of Contents


Will appear when an article has sub-articles but no text content itself. 



Checklist task links


Completed checklist task form results text



Class specific to footnote link appearance

Navigator CSS

Left column navigation

Navigator Column


Container for the entire navigator.

Search Box


Search input field area.

List of Article Links


Container of listed articles.

Individual Articles


Individual listed article links.

Article Alerts


Listed articles highlighted with user assignments or tasks.

Selected Article


Current article selected and viewing.

Articles with Sub-Articles


Listed articles marked with sub-articles 

Expanded Articles with Sub-Articles


Expanded listed articles with sub-articles, displaying listed sub-articles one level below it.

Secondary Navigator CSS

Articles with more than two headings (<h2>) and browser window width is ≥ (100vw - 320px) will display the secondary navigator box to the upper right of the main content.

The secondary navigator is effectively a list of anchor links of each article heading.

Secondary Navigator Box


Container ID of secondary navigator

Article Top Link


Article title which serves as an anchor link back to the top

Current Visible Heading


Indicates current top most visible heading in the article on the secondary navigator list

Webchat CSS

Outer Webchat box


Define outer webchat box drop shadow styling, such as:

  • box shadow
    • color
    • offset
  • border radius (of box-shadow)

Open Webchat


Define webchat box top bar styling, such as:

  • background color
  • top border radius
  • font
    • size
    • color

Webchat Conversation


Defines inner webchat box contents

Body Title


Description text above #body user input text box

Inquiry Message


ID of initial inquiry <textarea> user input text box.

Note: this is replaced by ID #replybox after a ticket is initialized

Reply Message


ID of <textarea> user input replies to ticket conversation

Webchat Note


Note message box above webchat conversation

Inquiry Message


Original user inquiry message box which started the webchat ticket.

Chat messages


All subsequent message box replies between user and staff after the initial inquiry.

Message Usernames


Usernames in message boxes (aside from original user inquiry message)

Ticket Link


Link to view inquiry ticket, located below #replybox

Alert & Info boxes

These are system message boxes which appear above the article heading.

Alert box


User actionable items and active assignments such as:

  • approvals
  • acknowledgements
  • checklist progress
  • task assignments



Info box which may specify:

  • awaiting other users approval
  • confirmation of action made 

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Up Since 9/7/2024 12:19:50 AM