
Release: May 29th 2023
Install ID: sw511

(Note: this release replaces the 5.1.0 (Apr 27th limited release) version, correcting some issues discovered during roll-out).


Installation Instructions (note: Cloud editions are upgraded automatically)  

Important for On-Premise Installations! This update uses a newer version of Microsoft .Net. Please carefully read instructions on installing this update here.


  1. Editor enhancements:
    1. New image functionality in the editor! You can now float the image to the left, to the right of the text, or inline with the text, so the text wraps around the image. You can also set the "alt" text on images, to define the alternative description for when the image isn't displayed (eg. for accessibility and AI-processing purposes). You can also now control whether or not a dotted border is displayed around an image. To access this functionality, click the image when editing and then use the format menu in the toolbar (down triangle icon).
    2. You can now show PDFs as article content. When inserting a PDF file as an attachment, click it, then go to the Format menu and click "Show Preview". After publishing, it will then open the PDF in the article content screen. Note: The contents will not be indexed by the search engine, nor will content changes be tracked in the diffs/history view, and the contents will not be used by the AI services.
    3. Header level 3 and level 4 now available through the format menu. These will also show links so you can link directly to that section.
    4. You can now change the number format for number lists (eg., or 1.b.iii.A). This is defined centrally for the system so all policies use the same format. You can change this in the Configuration tab, Main Settings, in the Number Format section.
    5. You can now multi-select promote/demote list items. Previously clicking the promote (increase level) button on a multiselection of list or bullet items would only promote the top item. Now it affects all the selected items.

  2. When inserting an article, in the Insert form you can now ask the AI to create the policy for you. It will then take you to the editor where you can further modify it.

  3. On the Risk Register tab (Enterprise only) there is now a "Generate Risk Register" action that uses AI to create a risk register for the given area of risk you specify. It will estimate the probability and impact of each item and display it in a register, which you can further update to your needs. This replaces the "Download risk register" option. On the Compliance tab, there is also a Generate Best Practices link, that uses AI to create trackable best practice lists for whichever area you specify.

  4. Enhancements to the AI assistant: (Note: Some of these features require enabling Enhanced AI first, which may incur API costs with OpenAI).
    1. The AI can now respond to Tickets / Questions, as an intelligent chatbot. When on a ticket, in the "Add Comment" box, support staff can click a "Generate AI Response" button. The AI service will then try to use the wiki to answer the question informatively and intelligently. The support staff can then edit the generated response before it it sent. This is experimental and the quality will be entirely dependent on how clear, relevant and detailed the wiki content is.
      1. You can optionally configure questions to be answered automatically for a specific department only. You do this in the Department configuration, under the "AI Response" area. You can specify the name of the chatbot, along with the delay before it will auto-respond (giving humans the chance to answer otherwise). Specify 0 in the delay setting for it to answer immediately. It will stop responding once a human responds. Use this feature with caution as the responses may not always be accurate.
      2. Please see the "Topic Tree" feature below that significantly improves the AI response accuracy.
    2. The AI button in the editor is now a dropdown menu, to reduce the number of clicks it takes to invoke functionality.
    3. New AI feature: 'Clarify Legal Wording'. This will change a selected paragraph to ensure any ambiguous sentences are properly clarified to make them more enforceable. Useful feature when working on policies, codes or contractual agreements. 
    4. When running certain AI features, it'll now provide an explanation of what was changed on the side of the policy, in a tip window that can be closed.

  5. When "Show Paragraph Numbers" (Paragraph No.) is enabled in settings of a page, it now shows numbering hierarchically for each header section in the article, eg. 1.4.2 for the second paragraph in the first heading section, and the fourth 2nd-level heading section in that.

  6. You can now set "Only Approvers Edit" in the Configuration tab / Main Settings, to apply everywhere in the wiki. When set, it means that only users who are designated approvers for that section will be able to initiate an edit on an article. The same applies for removing or moving articles. If an article or section has no approvers, then only the admin will be able to edit them.

  7. Additional "Reformat" options (in the format menu - useful for formatting pasted text from Microsoft Word):
    1. Auto number/bullet - this will convert a block of text that contains numbered lists entered in plain text into a properly formatted number list. 
    2. Removing Numbering - this will remove any number lists from the selection. This can be useful if you want to use paragraph numbering instead of numbering already present.
    3. Remove Headers - this will remove any header (H1 or H2) formats from the text. This can be useful when headers were inadvertently used in Word documents that are being imported, which is often the case.

  8. The Metadata screen now includes a "Policy Stage" that lets you select an internal stage for the policy, eg. Drafting, Initial Distribution, Final Release etc.

  9. There is now a separate "Show Metadata" option in Settings. This will show all the article's metadata fields at the top of the article. The metadata fields can be customized in the Enterprise edition using the forms customization.

  10. The in-page header navigator will now show top-level number list entries if there are no headers and only number lists. It will only do this if there are 2 or more levels deep of numbers.

  11. The search engine has been upgraded to use Lucene 4.8, with better ranking and ability to understand variations of words.

  12. AI Topic Tree: There is a new "Topic Tree" area. This uses AI to generate a topic-map that is used to make the AI ticket responses significantly more accurate. You can use the Generate Topic Tree button on the Search Options area (in Configuration) to generate this. Once generated, it will maintain it automatically. However, it may be beneficial to occasionally re-run this action to ensure it covers new areas introduced into the wiki.

  13. New report "All Policy Metadata" will provide a list of all policies in the system, with all available metadata fields. This report is only available to Wiki Managers.

  14. There are some additional reports for printing incident reports (Reports / Incident Reports and Incident Report Details, which you can access on the incident report itself). These are only available to Wiki Managers.

  15. You can now click attachments in the approver / history screen to view the attachment. Previously they only appeared as filenames that could not be opened except for in the main article.

  16. The Import User List Spreadsheet action will now also update user records, as well as insert new records if the user was not found. This provides an easy way to update user details in bulk, such as the user's Primary User Group.

  17. When adding custom tabs, you can now add additional groups that are required to view that custom tab. Previously only one tab can be set as the required group for a tab. This makes it more consistent with the settings for an article.

  18. Departments are now hierarchical. If you wish to have sub-departments, enter the entries in the Configuration / Departments list, in the Sub-Departments tab underneath a specific department. This can be useful for larger organizations. 

  19. "Import User Group Spreadsheet" action is now available on the Configuration tab, in the What's Next menu. It is only available to User Manager users. This lets you paste in a list of user groups to add to the system, with the first row being Name and subsequent rows being the names of the user groups. Any duplicates will be ignored.

  20. "Import Department Spreadsheet" action is now available on the Configuration tab, in the What's Next menu.  It is only available to User Manager users. This lets you paste in a list of departments to add to the system, with the first row being Name and subsequent rows being the names of the departments. Any duplicates will be ignored. If you start an entry with a greater-than sign (>), it will become a sub-department of the line above it (that does not have the greater-than sign).

  21. There is a new "Send Test Email" action available on the Configuration tab (click "Data View" first, then access it on What's Next). This lets you send out a test email from the system, to help you troubleshoot email sending issues.

  22. (Enterprise Only) Authentication Settings area now has a Post Auth Setup script, that can be used to provide scripts to setup a user's departments/groups etc. based on external authentication profile data. There is also a "Test Login" action in Authentication Settings that lets you test it. (Note: any errors in this script will stop users logging in, displaying the error to the user. The admin user, though, can always login and should review the systemlog in order to view errors and fix the script. We recommend using the Testing Area to test scripts before making them live).

  23. If a user doesn't have "Assigned Tickets Only" set on their user profile, they will now automatically be restricted to see only their own department's tickets. You must manually add "All Tickets" role to the user if you want them to see all tickets across all departments.

  24. Updating a To Do task "Scheduled Date" now removes the existing assignment, and will re-assign it once the scheduled date arrives.

  25. You can now override the header font used when showing titles of page articles. This defaults to the Roboto font, but you can override this with a different font name in the Configuration / Main Settings / Override Header Font setting. You may have to wait a few minutes before this takes effect after changing it.

  26. PDF printing issue: To fix an on-premise deployment issue, where the server cannot use the same URL as what's supplied in the Web Server Name entry of the Configuration tab (eg. DMZ), you can now supply a configuration file that will override the server name for use in, for example, creating PDF files and other server-server operations. Please contact us for more details.

  27. We now support Windows Server Core for on-premise installations. This version of Windows Server uses less memory and is generally considered favorable from a security perspective as it reduces the attack surface. 


  1. Fixed some printing issues. The PDF article text now spans the entire width. When showing differences between two dates, it now colors the differences instead of using symbols as markup. 
  2. Fixed an issue with the Policy Lifecycle report where the wrong date was reported in the Last Reviewed column.
  3. Fixed an issue where using the AI assistant (in the page editor) immediately after modifying the text wouldn't always take the modified text into consideration in the AI operations. It now saves the text before processing AI requests to ensure it's picked up by the AI.
  4. Fixed an issue where assigning user groups as an approver would assign the change to non-wiki managers. Only the wiki managers in a group should be assigned change reviews as approvers.
  5. Fixed an issue where the system would allow a custom tab called Compliance to be added, which caused a startup failure because it clashed with the system Compliance tab.
  6. Fixed some issues with re-instating items from the archive. It now errors if the parent article is no longer there, and fixes an issue where the last item removed and reinstated would not show the navigator drilldown on the parent any longer.
  7. Fixed an issue where printing pages didn't honor any customized font selected in the Configuration tab. Also fixed an issue with header colors being overridden and not showing in printouts.
  8. Fixed an issue that makes the automatic generation of quizzes using AI more reliable, less likely to say that it did not understand the AI's response.
  9. Fixed an issue with reassigning To Do tasks, where if you reassign a task after removing the assignment, it would no longer appear in the page as a link.
  10. Various performance enhancements, both viewing and updating articles.

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Up Since 5/7/2024 10:53:17 PM