
Our platform records a full audit trail of all changes, and also article views, for security reasons. As such, we add various features to make sure this critical data is available to be accessed when needed by authorized personnel.

To access a report, you will need to be either a Wiki Manager or an Admin.

There are two types of reports in the system: contextual reports and global reports. You can run global reports from the dashboard, which will be available to any admin or Wiki Manager.

Click the Reports button and it will display a list of all the global reports in the system available to you.

If you click one of those, it will either run the report or ask for more information (such as for filtering). The report will then be displayed on the screen. If you want to produce a PDF of the report, use the Explore / Reports button option described below.

To access contextual reports, you must go into Explore mode. From there you will see a "Reports" button at the top left that will provide you with the option to run various reports.

You will find that the Reports menu changes based on where you are in the system. These are the contextual reports that change based on the context. The top portion of the reports menu will show contextual reports that are available at that particular point (eg. a particular article). The portion below that will show global reports, that are accessible from anywhere and on the dashboard as mentioned above.

Note: the results that are shown in reports will reflect your particular security access. If there are user groups restricting you from seeing certain pages, then data related to those pages will be omitted from the reports that you run. As such, you should ensure you run the report from a login that has maximum access in order to see the full results.

Below we'll run through some of the reports available in the system.

Download PDF

The Download PDF report lets you print policies and procedures by converting them into a hard-copy PDF file. You can run this for a particular article, or all articles on that level. You can also specify a date to run the report as-of, meaning it will show article versions based on the version active at that particular point in time. You can even specify two dates, and it will show all the differences between those two versions. More details can be found here.

Change History

You can run the Change History article for any page, and it will display a list of all changes, along with reviewer and drafter activity during that change. Rejected changes are also included, with details of the rejection. This will not display the actual changes, which can be retrieved using the Download PDF report, with the As Of date set.

Section Change History

The Section Change History is the same as the Change History report but will include all changes of all sub-articles underneath that article.

Articles Referencing This

This report can be run from any article. It will list out the other articles in the system that have links (hyperlinks) to the current article. These links will only be included if they were added through the link button in the editor.

Article Activity By Date

The Article Activity By Date report will show you any activity related to editing or reviewing (approving or rejecting) across the system or specified tab or pages, for a given date period. For example, you could see all changes or reviews across your Employee Guide over the past month.

Article Activity By User

Similar to the Article Activity By Date report, the Article Activity By User report will show you any activity related to editing or reviewing (approving or rejecting) across the system or specified tab or pages, for a given date period but also giving you the option of selecting a particular user to filter by. For example, you could see all changes or reviews made by a specific user over the past month.

If you leave the User field blank, it will use the logged-in user.

Article Access By Date

The Article Access By Date report will show you who has accessed (viewed) articles throughout your site. You can choose the date range that you are checking for, along with the specific tab and specific area in that tab. These are all optional, so if for example you miss out the Article Ref setting, then it will show all article accesses on that specific tab.

Important: The site will only record the last 3 access dates/times for each user on each page. That means if a user accesses an article three times in the past week, at different times, then it will not have a record of prior accesses. This is why it is best to leave the Max Date empty to ensure you see all accesses that are recorded.

Please note: you must enable the recording of Page Views for this function to be available. You can do this on the Configuration tab, in Main Settings.

Article Access By User

Similar to the Article Access by Date report, the Article Access By User report will show you articles that have been viewed across the system, by date range and limiting to specific tabs or parts of the site if desired. But in addition to a date range, you can also specify a user to view the report for. 

If, for example, you wanted to see which articles the user FredSmith viewed over the past week, you will choose FredSmith in the User dropdown, and a Min and Max Date that is appropriate, leaving the tab and article link blank.


The Acknowledgements will show all pending and fulfilled attestation requests made in the system. If you click the "Request Acknowledgement" action, then a pending attestation will be made. This will then show in the report so you can be sure to track it and ensure nothing ever falls between the cracks. For more information, please read this article.

Outstanding Acknowledgements

This report is available on the Users tab, while viewing the list of all users. It will show a list of all users who have acknowledgements outstanding (that have not been attested to yet), with all the articles that are pending.

Outstanding Attestation Groups by User 

This report shows all attestations (created by attestation groups) that are still pending across the system, grouped by user. 

Acknowledgements For User

This report is available for a specific user. It will show all the articles that have outstanding  acknowledgements for that particular user.

Acknowledgements By Department

This report is available to select by department. It will show all the articles that have outstanding acknowledgements for a specific department, along with additional information about the user such as their full name and associated entity.

Acknowledgements History

The "Acknowledgements History" report will show all previously completed acknowledgements for the given number of years back.

Articles By Approver

The Articles By Approver report lets you select a user who is an approver and will show you all the articles where that user is set as an approver. You can narrow this down by tab and part of the site if required, otherwise the report runs for all tabs.

It only shows the top-most level where the approver is set. Articles under those levels will inherit the approver that is set.

This can be a useful report to run when a user is leaving or being moved to a different department.

Article Approvers

Similar to the Articles By Approver report, the Article Approvers report will show all approvers for all articles, or a subset that you specify. The output will be a list of article locations, grouped by the approver that is responsible for approving that article and all its child articles.

Policy Links Audit

The Policy Links Audit report can be run globally. It will perform an audit of all articles on your system, and will check for any broken links. Broken links can include images that are no longer valid, or links to articles that are no longer present. It will also indicate any articles that are linking to websites outside of your own domain, which can be important for security monitoring and general maintenance of your site.

All Policy Status

The All Policy Status report can be run globally. This report lists out all policies (accessible to that user), along with their number, version, last modified date and whether they are currently being edited and assigned to a user. It also indicates if the policy is currently published (or only in draft), whether the policy is performing or not, and whether the policy is referenced by any risks or compliance objectives.

Top Read Articles

This report can be run either globally or on an individual user. It will show a list of all policies/procedures or other articles, with their view count, sorted by views. This lets you easily see which are the most popular articles across your site. This report can also be subscribed to so you can receive it each week in your inbox.

All Keep-Live Pages

There is a "All Keep-Live Pages" report that admin can run on the Configuration tab that will list all articles in the system that are connected to a sample library. It will also include risk registers and compliance libraries that are marked as 'keep live' or "continue updating automatically".

Policy Performance

You can monitor all policies and procedures for their performance at any time, by using the report "Policy Performance". You can access this from Explore mode on any article, using the Reports button.

This report lets you view all articles in the system that have Performance Threshold monitoring enabled, so you can view the performance of all those articles in one place. This report can be subscribed to (as an admin, on the Configuration tab, under Report Subscriptions) so you can have it emailed to you each week.

All Policy Metadata

The All Policy Metadata report will list out all policies in the system, with the title of the article and all its metadata fields.

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