Main Settings

Individual configuration parameters can be edited by clicking "Main Settings".

Auto Close Days

Specifies the number of days a ticket will remain "answered" before it is automatically closed by the system. If nothing is specified, the default number of days will be 30, presuming it remains answered and has no other responses.

Override Logo

Here you can specify a PNG file to replace the logo at the top of the site.

Default Department

This is the department that will be automatically selected for any new tickets that are created or received through email.

POP3 Entries / Email Address

Here you can set up the POP3 server to use for integrating email with our platform, for communicating over tickets and webchat.

App Logo Text

Instead of a logo, you can specify text to appear at the top of the page instead.

App Copyright

This allows you to set the copyright at the bottom of each page.

App Description

This allows you to set the application description that appears at the top right of the screen.

Disable Webchat in Wiki

Setting this option to Yes will hide the webchat from the pages in the Policies & Procedures tab. 

Contact Article Author in Webchat

For any webchat (Questions) asked on a particular article, indicates whether the author of the article should be included in the ticket. Otherwise the question will go to the default department and its default participants, as defined in the department settings.

AD Server

Here you can specify the name of the Active Directory server to use for logging in. This option can only be used in the Professional Edition.

Enable Client Policies

If set to Yes, will add a 'Client Policies' tab at the top, and allow clients to be added as users. Those users will only be able to view the Client Policies tab. Setting this to No, after initially setting this to Yes, will not delete existing articles inside it but will only hide them from being displayed.

Super Approver

This option lets you set a 'super approver', which is an approver that will be required to approve every change made to every article in the system.

Top-Level Super Approver

This option lets you set a 'top-level super approver', which is an approver that will be required to approve every change made, or additions, to hierarchically top most articles in the system. 

Only Wiki Managers Edit

If set to Yes, then End users will not be able to modify pages, even if that modification requires approval. Only Wiki Managers will be able to modify pages.

Enable Ratings

If Yes, will enable 'star ratings' for each page that users can use to rate an article.

Record Views

If set to Yes, will keep a record of every user who has viewed an article, and when it was viewed.

WebServer Name

This is the base URL for your site, and is used when creating links in outgoing emails and other references. This is usually set automatically when the system is set up, but may need to be updated if you move from one server to another.

EMail Server

The name of the SMTP server to use for outgoing email. Enter :587:tls at the end of the server name to use SSL.

From EMail

The 'from' email address to use when the system is sending emails. Important: Make sure you update this to reflect your organization's general email address, as any notifications from the site will be sent from this email address, and any replies to those notifications should be sent to a monitored mailbox.

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Up Since 2/14/2025 11:59:13 PM