
Release: Sep 23rd 2021
Build: (on-premise) or (cloud)
Install ID: sw310

Installation Instructions (note: Cloud edition is upgraded automatically)

Note: This release was patched a few days later as v3.1.1 with a late-found issue with memory usage on moving large sets of articles.

Changes in this release:

  1. Layout change! Staff.Wiki now displays in Wide Mode, left-aligned. Previously the screen was centered, and had limited size for the navigator and article. You can now configure the article view to have a maximum size, and control the percentage of space taken up by the navigator and the article (in the Configuration tab, under Styles / Layout).
  2. Optional time management module! Users can now clock-in, clock-out and record breaks and work logs. This is all logged under each user, and can even notify a Slack or Microsoft Teams channel for the department to keep all team members informed.
  3. Quiz pass/fail notifications. You can now configure users in a particular department to have their quiz results broadcast to a particular Slack or Teams channel using webhooks.
  4. The "Insert (From Sample Library)" action has been revamped. It now lets you see the policies or other sample articles as a preview before you download them.
  5. The "Publish" action (which you click after making your changes) now displays who will be approving the change you made.
  6. New article setting "Only Approvers Edit", which will only allow editing of an article by its designated approvers. This can be useful for sensitive articles that you do not want any kind of wiki manager editing. Administrators can still perform edit operations regardless.
  7. New article setting: "Confidential". When this is set, the article will not be shown until the user re-authenticates. It will then grant them access to the article for 5 minutes.
  8. When approving changes, reviewers can now e-ink sign their approval. This is then recorded securely as a checksum against the change that was made, to ensure authenticity and prevent tampering. The authenticity of the approval can be verified by clicking the link on the action (the date field) on the History page.
  9. When completing page tasks (To-Do items), there is now an optional e-ink signature that can be added.
  10. When completing checklists, the option to send the checklist to a department now defaults to the article's department (as set in Settings).
  11. Several fixes to Client users (users with primary role of "Client") that allows your clients to log in to your Staff.Wiki site, only seeing the Client Policies tab.
  12. Enterprise only: For certain features that require the server to restart ("bounce"), this will now be done automatically.
  13. Enterprise only: Risk mitigations that link to a policy can now be set to require the risk manager to approve any changes to that policy, to ensure that the change will not compromise the mitigation that is in effect.
  14. Enterprise only: Risk mitigations can now have shorter titles (rather than just long descriptions), and they also let you track how often they are reviewed, and how they are enforced.
  15. Enterprise only: Custom tabs can now also define Super Approvers, who will review all changes to all pages under that specific custom tab. This is addition to the custom tab Top-Level Approvers, who review changes to top-level pages only.
  16. The Send To action now indicates who sent the article link in the email.
  17. The title of checklist entry forms now reflect the text of the checklist entry.
  18. When adding tasks (To Do's) to articles, you can now specify whether it pertains to a policy expiration/review task.
  19. New report "Policy Expiration Schedule" will show all policies/articles across the system and their expiration or review dates, if any have been added.
  20. We now record a log of every user logging into and using the system, along with their IP address. This information is maintained for 60 days at present.
  21. Fixed a problem where the Next Topic would take a while to update after items are moved around or removed. This now happens instantaneously.
  22. Fixed an issue with the ticket system where closed tickets would not appear in the correct order.
  23. Fixed an issue where the default department in new tickets would pick the top department rather than the default department set in the Configuration tab.
  24. Fixed a problem where the diffing engine [*] (in the History view) would break with an error after pasting certain formatted tables from Word, or break formatting when pasting certain lists from Google Docs.
  25. Fixed a performance issue (reducing server load) when switching articles.
  26. Fixed an issue using checklists on the mobile interface.
  27. Fixed a security issue related to accessing certain parts of the database.
  28. Fixed an issue where certain pages would not allow you to scroll all the way to the bottom if it had a certain number of headings and the screen was a certain width.
  29. Cloud only: Fixed an issue where emails from the system would always be sent from our support email. Now when replying to an email from your account, it will reply to whatever email address is in your Configuration / Main Settings entry for "From EMail". Please enter your administrator or support email in there.
  30. (Released as v3.1.1) Fixed a problem with moving articles with many sub-articles. A performance issue would cause a possible memory error in certain circumstances.

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Up Since 5/7/2024 10:53:17 PM