
Release: Feb 15th 2022
Install ID: sw400

Installation Instructions (note: Cloud edition is upgraded automatically)

Release Details:

  1. New feature: Approver Levels! You can now specify when approvers receive their requests (the order), with all level 1 approvers asking to approve first, then all level 2 approvers (once all level 1 approvers have approved), and so on. This ensures that higher-level approvers won't be bothered with approval requests until all other approvers have finished reviewing and approve. Rejected requests will never be sent to higher-level approvers. This is set on a per-user basis in the Approval Level setting.
  2. New "Metadata" setting for each article. 
    1. This lets you override the summary of the article (by default an excerpt of the article is taken if not specified). This summary is shown when hovering the cursor over a link to the article, and also on the Quizzes tab if there are quizzes on that page. It will also be included in search results. 
    2. Alternative Titles, which are different ways that the title can be titled, which will be used for search result purposes.
    3. The Metadata area is also where you will set up Performance Monitoring (see below).
  3. New powerful workflow features for checklists in articles:
    1. All current and past checklists associated with an article are now shown in a floating window when viewing the article. Checklists assigned to you will be highlighted in red in that list. Clicking entries will take you to that checklist.
    2. Checklist entries can now be marked as "parallel", which means they will be assigned/activated at the same time as others that are also marked as parallel at that level.  This provides more flexibility in implementing more complex workflow using checklists.
    3. Checklist entries can now have conditional actions. These are actions that will run if a specified condition evaluates to true. These conditions can be based on values entered in form fields. These include actions to:
      1. show errors or warnings based on form field values, 
      2. skip that checklist entry, 
      3. terminate the checklist early
      4. raise an incident or hazard report (choosing this will provide a link in the form to fill out an incident report that will be linked to that checklist entry - really useful for setting up inspection checklists)
    4. Checklist entries can now be marked as being approvals, which lets the assigned user approve/reject the checklist request. This can be used to create ad-hoc approval workflow, such as approving leave requests, purchase requests, change requests and more. When an entry is rejected, it will terminate the checklist entirely and notify the originator.
    5. You can now restrict the starting of a checklist to a particular user group. If the user is not a member of that user group, the checklist cannot be started by that user and a message will appear informing them.
    6. Checklist entries can now be assigned to a user selected in a form of a previous checklist entry, letting you control the workflow from the form entry.
    7. New form field type: Asset. This lets you select an asset from the Assets tab.
    8. A completed checklist item can now be modified, if its status is edited to be In-Progress. Going to the task in Explore mode will show a link above the task to edit the form, so long as it has been assigned to the user by an administrator.
    9. Any user can now subscribe to checklist activity. Any shared checklist activity (ie. completing checklists) in that page or its accessible sub-pages will be emailed to you, along with details of what was entered in any associated forms.
  4. A new Compliance tab has been added! (Enterprise Edition only). 
    1. This area lets you track compliance with multiple frameworks, such as SOC2, NIST CSF and HIPAA, or your own custom set of objectives.
    2. Ability provided to download existing compliance frameworks with a click of a button, including SOC2, NIST CSF, GDPR, PDPA, OSHA, HIPAA and more.
    3. At the top level you add a framework, and underneath each framework a list of hierarchical objectives and expectations. 
    4. Each objective then has (one or more) evidence added to it, which can come from multiple sources:
      1. A policy or procedure article (will verify that the KPIs show it is performing)
      2. Attachment (attached document)
      3. URL (location of a document on another website)
      4. Mitigated risk (verifies the risk is fully mitigated)
      5. Asset performance (checks instrumentation added under the Assets tab to verify it's within expected parameters)
    5. You can link an evidence to a policy or procedure in your wiki, and if the KPIs on the article show it is not performing, it will automatically invalidate the evidence and mark the framework as being in non-compliance. 
    6. It automatically generates an Action List providing suggestions on what can be done to become compliant.
    7. Automates the auditing process. Start an audit, assign all objectives to an auditor for review, and track what has or hasn't passed the audit review.
    8. A new user role called 'Auditor' can now be added. This is a powerful role and should be used with caution and temporarily. It allows the user to view all checklists, as is required when reviewing data for an audit.
    9. New report: Compliance Readiness Summary, which can be run for any framework in the new Compliance tab. It details the status of all of the objectives in that framework, along with what is missing and what should be done to remedy the compliance with suggestions.
    10. New report: Compliance Audit Status, which can be run from any audit under a particular compliance framework. Will report on the audit progress, which objectives have been signed off and what remains.
  5. There is now a "Stats" link at the bottom of every article, available only to Wiki Managers, that will show various metrics for that article, such as the number of views, percentage of attestations that are complete, percentage of a department who have viewed the article and several others.
  6. The Download PDF report now lets you choose 2 dates, and it will show a comparison between the versions of each article on the selected dates if specified.
  7. You can now add risks directly under articles (policies or procedures), for instances where you know that a policy is designed to mitigate a specific risk. (as a Risk Analyst or Admin only)
  8. When you paste a URL into the editor, it will create a link rather than pasting as text.
  9. Any article can now have Performance Monitoring (KPIs) defined, providing important ways that the performance of a policy or procedure can be measured. This is added when editing the article by clicking the "Metadata" link. It can be viewed in the Stats page, and used for risk and compliance evidence. It can check various aspects of article performance, including:
    1. Whether the policy has a certain percentage of staff attesting 
    2. Whether the policy has been viewed by a certain percentage of the department within the past few months.
    3. Whether the checklists on the page are being used regularly
    4. Whether checklists are being completed in a timely manner
    5. Whether the policy has expired (or not reviewed regularly)
    6. Existence of any open incident or hazard reports associated with that policy or procedure
  10. The Risk Register now contains an Action List tab, with a list of actions you need to take to reduce/mitigate risks.
  11. Now when sending an acknowledgement (attestation) request, if any of the users do not have access to the selected page, it will now show an error instead of sending the request.
  12. When creating Custom Tabs, you can now specify which should be the preferred default when the user first logs in. Multiple can be set as the preferred, and the one that is accessible to the user will be chosen. If you do not select a preferred default tab, the Policies & Procedures tab will be selected by default.
  13. You can now override the version of a policy when it is first created to match the version of the existing policy. You do this only as an administrator, on the Article Info page in Explore mode, using the "Override Version" action.
  14. Changes to Incident Reports:
    1. Incident Reports can now be reported anonymously. By setting the "Anonymous" flag to Yes, it will remove personally identifiable information from the incident report, and will not show up in the user's incident report list.
    2. Incident Reports now have a priority set. You can set this when adding input to the incident report such as an investigation.
    3. Incident Reports now have a Sensitive flag, which can be set by the reporter. This adds a warning if the incident report is then shared using the Invite to View action. Any input added to the incident is now sent to the originator by default, but will not be if the Sensitive flag is set.
    4. Incident Reports now have an "Invite to View" action (available to the incident assignee) that lets them share the incident with a specific user group or department for further review.
    5. Incident Reporting has been extended to allow Hazard Reporting, so that staff can easily report any potential threats or hazards they perceive, to help foster a safety and security-first work culture. These hazards can then easily be converted into risks that can be mitigated/monitored.
    6. You can now create a Risk Register entry from an Incident or Hazard report so it can be tracked as a risk (you must be a Risk Analyst to be able to do this). This is useful when someone raises a Hazard report, and you want to convert that into a risk that can be mitigated and monitored going forward.
  15. New reports:
    1. Policy Links Audit. This report checks all articles in the system and reports if there are any: a) broken links (links pointing to pages that do not exist anymore), b) bad links (links not properly formed), c) external links (links to external sites that may not be authorized). It provides a link to the offending article so it can be fixed.
    2. All Pending Tasks. This report is run globally and will show all tasks assigned to all users, but can be filtered by department. This report can also be subscribed to, so you can see pending tasks delivered to your inbox each week.
    3. Risk Status Summary. This report can be run on a particular Risk Register and will show an action list of what needs to be done to fully mitigate all risks, along with a list of all policies/procedures related to those risks and their usage/status.
    4. User Audit. This can be run by an administrator or auditor. It will show a list of all users registered in the system, indicating which are admin and which are wiki managers. All admin users will also show a recent history of logins to the system, with the IP address of where they logged in.
    5. All Policy Status, which lists out all policies (visible to that user), along with their number, version, last modified date and whether they are currently being edited and assigned to a user.
    6. Top Read Articles. This report can be run either globally or on an individual user. It will show a list of all policies/procedures or other articles, with their view count, sorted by views. This lets you easily see which are the most popular articles across your wiki. This report can also be subscribed to so you can receive it each week in your inbox. 
    7. A new report "Policy Performance" lets you view all articles in the system that have KPI monitoring enabled, so you can view the performance of all those articles in one place. This report can be subscribed to, so you can have it emailed to you each week.
  16. A new feature has been added to allow importing of documents from Word and other third party applications into multiple articles more easily. This action is available for the admin only, and can be found in the Explore menu / Article Info area, in the actions list "Import Bulk".
  17. Fixed an issue where approving an article removal request without sending it back would sometimes display an error page at the end of the operation, even though the operation succeeded. Similar issue existed for rejecting an insert page without sending back to redraft.
  18. When publishing an article that was reassigned as a draft, it will now indicate who it will be returned to.
  19. You can no longer reassign a draft to a user who is already waiting for the draft to be returned on publish.
  20. You can no longer cancel a draft that was reassigned to you (if "Return To Me" was set). Instead they are told to publish to return it back to the original drafter.
  21. Tasks can now only be deleted (removed) by the user who created the task, the current assignee or admin.
  22. The Resubmit action on history items has been renamed to "Revert", for clarity and to avoid any confusion.
  23. Deleting users now also removes them from user groups, rather than warning you that they still exist in the user group.
  24. Fixed an issue where a started shared checklist would show who it was created by. It no longer shows this information because it is not relevant.
  25. Fixed a styling issue with bullet points after publishing.
  26. Fixed an issue with the login screen logo not updating after the custom logo is updated.
  27. Fixed an issue with how checklist form details were displayed in the history page.
  28. Fixed an issue when using Revert with a change in user groups, where it would not revert the user group change.
  29. You are now warned when closing an incident without adding any kind of resolution first.
  30. We now record a count of the number of page views in each article. This records a maximum of 1 page view per user in a 12 hour block, to provide a realistic account of page views.
  31. Fixed an issue where the Stats page would not show inherited user groups, only the user groups set on that particular page.
  32. Fixed an issue where the Next Topic link would not appear right after inserting a new article, it would sometimes take several minutes to appear.
  33. Fixed an issue where acknowledgement (attestation) requests that are sent to users who are currently delegating to other users would be sent to the delegate. They are now always sent directly to the original user, regardless of their delegate status.
  34. Fixed an issue where you could attempt to move an article under itself, leading to a cryptic error message. 
  35. Fixed an issue where, in certain circumstances, a page previously with a shared checklist but with no current checklist, the page would get stuck in a reload loop.
  36. Fixed some security issues related to access to certain details under an incident report.
  37. If a user is delegating to another user, they can no longer start checklists or edit articles. It will tell them to remove the delegation first.
  38. Fixed some minor issues with editing tables
  39. Fixed an issue where you create a new draft on the same page with the same user on two windows and it would put the system into an inconsistent state.
  40. Fixed some problems with paragraph spacing when copying/pasting from Word

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Up Since 3/20/2025 3:46:44 PM