Installing On-Premise

Using services in the cloud can be extremely convenient, but often organizations need more privacy and security than cloud services can guarantee. This can be a significant issue because company knowledge can often contain sensitive information. For example, business procedures often contain trade secrets that are critical to the competitiveness of a company. They sometimes also want more control over when updates are rolled out, so they can better manage their operational risk.

Because of this we have designed Staff.Wiki to be easily installed on-site, within the confines of the organization's private network. This affords organizations security and control over their policies and procedures.

Both the Professional and Enterprise Edition of Staff.Wiki allows you to install the software on your own private network. Both the Professional and Enterprise Editions are stand-alone versions of Staff.Wiki that run on-premise and connect to your own SQL Server database, and optionally to Active Directory for authentication. Once on your network, you can then create one or more separate policy databases for your organization. For information on pricing or acquisition, please contact us.

This section will go over how to install the Professional and Enterprise Edition and how to set it up on your network. 

Note: The server may need to contact our licensing server periodically (every week or so) to verify the validity of the license. Details of this can be found here.

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