Introducing Staff.Wiki

How would your organization benefit from having a wiki like this one to store your policies and proedures? [*]

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With the Staff.Wiki CyberGRC platform, the future of policies and procedures management is here.
Staff.Wiki has everything every business or organization needs to make sure policies and procedures are highly accessible, properly secured and effectively enforced. With an AI assistant that can do everything from creating policies, adding quizzes to building workflow and performing risk analysis. Staff.Wiki is an essential tool for every business. This is why you need a state-of-the-art, Enterprise Wiki like Staff.Wiki.

Staff.Wiki provides a central place to track all of your policies and procedures, secure them with approval workflow and version control, manage them with checklists and assignments and enforce them through incident reporting and risk management.

To complement this central knowledge store, Staff.Wiki lets you create training programs through quizzes, attestation and certification, so your staff can be certain they're proficient in the skills being taught.

Staff.Wiki also provides a real-time web chat feature on every wiki page so staff can be connected to experts immediately, and have this managed with a comprehensive ticketing system so no questions ever fall between the cracks.

By adding checklists to your pages you can really bring your Standard Operating Procedures to life. Checklists are workflow-enabled, letting you assign each entry to a different person, and form-enabled, letting you collect information from each user, as the checklist is completed.

Convenience is the key to maintaining a centralized knowledge store, and this is why we make the wiki accessible through a Google-like search engine. That way your staff can find what they're looking for in no time at all.

The Enterprise edition of Staff.Wiki is a governance, risk and compliance (GRC) system that leads a double life: by day it is a simple but powerful wiki where your whole organization can centralize, secure and share information including policies, procedures and best practices, with approval workflow, attestations and checklists. By "night", Staff.Wiki records tons of metrics about how those policies and procedures are used, and will link that to risk management and compliance initiatives, to ensure you keep your whole organization running smoothly.

Staff.Wiki makes for a perfect company intranet, a place where you store your company knowledge, employee manuals, policy guides, training programs and procedural checklists.

Staff.Wiki is available either through the cloud or to download privately on your network. To sign up for a trial for Staff.Wiki, you can subscribe at http://Staff.Wiki.  (Terms of Service)

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Up Since 6/30/2024 9:53:00 PM