
Release: Sep 12th 2023
Install ID: sw520

Cloud hosted will be updated automatically. For on-premise, learn how to upgrade here.


  1. There is now a PDF button in the toolbar for inserting PDF documents that can be viewed right inside the policy article. (Word and Excel should  be coming soon!). This can also be used to add PDF forms into your wiki.
    1. The PDF text content will be indexed and searchable [*]
    2. The Diffs view (for approval and in the history) will show approximate differences based on any text extracted from the PDF file. Because there are limitations in how text can be extracted from the PDF, it will not be possible to show a perfect "differences" view of PDFs.
    3. AI functions such as Suggesting a Quiz will utilize the PDF document content if possible (as well as any other content in the article)
    4. You can add other text such as checklists in the same article, eg. below the PDF. This is especially useful for letting users easily submit fillable PDFs and continue in the StaffWiki workflow.
    5. Attestation of the page with the PDF, viewer records etc. should work as usual.

  2. The Dashboard now has a Reports button that lets you run reports directly in the dashboard. For example, you can click the Reports button, then click "Acknowledgement Detail", and see a list of all pending attestations in the system. This is available for Wiki Managers.

  3. There's now an option to let all users see the History for an article. In Configuration / Main Settings, set "History Access For All Users" to Yes. Only Wiki Managers will be able to access the approvers chat in the history view, however. You may have to wait a few minutes for the cache to refresh after updating this. By default, if this isn't set, then only Wiki Managers can see the History link for an article. Keep in mind that the history view can sometimes use considerable processing power (for large articles), and may impact server performance if lots of users are accessing it at once.

  4. You can now customize the email for attestations. When sending a Request Acknowledgement, you can optionally specify an email subject and body template that will be used for each attestation request that is sent out. This can also be set when creating attestation groups. Previously only the message displayed on the attestation signing form could be customized (in Metadata when editing the article).  Learn more here.

  5. You can you send reminders for attestations / acknowledgements that have not yet been signed. To do this, go to Explore under an article, click on Acknowledgements at the bottom, find the user and click it, then click "Send Reminder". You can also multi-select acknowledgements and send them in bulk. Learn more here.

  6. When downloading PDF, you can now customize the footer text that is displayed. You can do this on the Configuration tab, in the Styles group, under PDF Override Footer. Use %D% as a substitution for the current date/time if you wish to include this in the footer.

  7. Risk management and compliance changes  (Enterprise only):
    1. The risk management and compliance tabs are now optimized to also work with mobile devices.  

    2. You can now specify required groups for the risk register and compliance frameworks. This allows different departments to have their own risk registers or compliance tracking that other departments cannot see.

    3. There is a powerful new "AI Suggestions" action on compliance tab objectives, and on risks in the risk register tab. This action helps you get compliant and manage risks, but requires Enhanced AI to be enabled. It will intelligently look through your wiki to see if there are existing policies that can either satisfy a compliance objective, or mitigate a risk. If no such policies are found, it will either suggest a modification to an existing policy (and make the change in draft for you), or create a new policy which you can then edit further. It will then link that automatically as evidence for the compliance objective, or a mitigation for a risk, and add an explanation for how exactly that policy mitigates that risk (or satisfies that compliance objective). This can save considerable time when trying to map either risks or compliance objectives to policies. However, keep in mind it is still experimental and any suggestions it provides should be thoroughly reviewed before use. 

    4. A new report, "Compliance Policy Mapping", provides a list of all compliance objectives and any policy that was associated with covering that compliance objective, along with its status as per configured performance metrics. 

  8. The "Objectives" option for "Checklists" in the settings of an article has been re-introduced after fixing some issues. This provides a way for departments in an organization to publish and track their current objectives, with an area for each objective that lets you specify a list of key results with evidence to back up the objective progress.
    1. Objectives can now only be canceled by wiki managers who have access.
    2. If you edit an objectives article, you will have to reset the objectives

  9. "Required Groups" for policies works differently now. If you specify a required group in a sub-article, the user now must have both: any one of the the sub-article's groups and any one of the parent's groups, in order to view the sub-article. This allows you to refine the user groups required as you go deeper into the wiki hierarchy. This will only apply for newly set articles, existing articles will not be affected.

  10. The Stats page, at the bottom of any policy page, now shows a link to update the Policy Review / Expiration dates for that article (and sub-articles). You can also remove all policy review / expiration dates by clicking the action and clearing out the date and assigned-to fields. The "Update Policy Review / Expiration" action now pre-populates with existing review/expiration dates so you can more easily update them. It also now has an option to just set that article only, without updating the child articles.

  11. The Policy Lifecycle Report now only shows the policies that have policy review / expiration dates set, instead of showing all policies, to make it clearer.

  12. The Invite User action (available on the What's Next menu on the Users tab) now lets you specify an expiration date to invite a user to access the system for a specific time period. This can be useful when inviting users for support or auditing purposes.

  13. The Download PDF report now lets you also print articles that are linked-to from the articles being printed. When running the report, the option "Linked Articles Also?" can be set to Yes to add the linked-to articles to the list of articles being printed.

  14. We now support email-only login. This is an alternative to logging in with a password. This can be enabled (Enterprise edition only) in the Configuration / Authentication Settings area by setting Allow Email Login to Yes. Once this is set, a user can login using just their email address and no password. It will then email them with a temporary link to login. The user must be pre-registered in the system. This can be used in cases where connecting StaffWiki to an organization's authentication system is considered not possible.

  15. The PDF engine has been upgraded (used to generate all reports such as "Download as PDF"), fixing certain occasional issues with overlapping text when using bold font. On-premise installations can download this from our site at http://myworkflowfirst.com/installs/wkhtmltopdf.zip - and place those files in the installation folder.

  16. When generating an entire policy or procedure article using AI, the output is now properly formatted with headings and bullet lists instead of just plain text.

  17. The All Pending Tasks report now also includes any pending article drafts or approvals, so they can be tracked.

  18. Some minor changes were made to SSO to allow use of Okta's OpenID Connect support.

  19. Checklists and Custom lists:
    1.  When creating checklists and adding forms, you can now make form fields "read only". If you use this with a default value set, or to edit an existing record from a custom list, you can use this to convey information or existing field values to the user. To do this, set the "Required" dropdown in the field settings to "Read Only". 
    2. Checklist entries now let you select departments as one of the fields. Entries can also now be assigned to the selected department. It will automatically email the default ticket participants for the department, but allow anyone in that department to process that checklist entry. This also works for sub-departments. Note: sub-departments must have globally-unique names.
    3. In custom lists, we now record the rejection reason for approvals (in the creating checklist, not an editing checklist)
    4. In custom lists, Rejections are shown as grayed out, like an inactive record.
    5. Canceled checklists that don't have any submitted entries yet are now removed.
    6. Title fields can now be maintained separately on a custom list setting. When creating a custom list, the title fields from the checklist configuration will be copied in. After that it can be maintained separately in the Custom List Settings for that list.
    7. Checklists that edit existing custom list records now exclude incomplete (inactive) records in the dropdown list (to choose which record to edit).
    8. You can now start a second checklist while the first one is still outstanding. A link appears at the top so you can start another checklist. The existing checklist will still be accessible in the task window on the right side.

  20.  The Dashboard now also shows pending drafts, reassigned and sent tasks in the Requests list.

  21. When connecting to Active Directory, the AD Server (Domain Name) setting can now contain multiple domains, comma-separated (with no spaces). It will then try to connect to each domain specified in order to authenticate.

  22. Incident Reports
    1. There is a new report type "Concern". This is intended for reports that are neither incidents (actual events), or hazards (potential events), but instead are observations of potential threats where the applicability or relevance isn't fully understood and needs further analysis. For example, seeing unusual behavior in an employee may be registered as a concern for further investigation, even though it may turn out to be not important. Another example may be a concern about employee morale, which isn't an incident or a hazard but still may need attention.
    2. The impact areas have been updated to include "financial" and "reputation".
    3. There is a powerful new "AI Risk Analysis" button available for Wiki Managers on any open incident report. This action helps you determine what policies you have or need in order to ensure that incident report, hazard or concern will not happen again. It requires Enhanced AI to be enabled. It will intelligently look through your wiki to see if there are existing policies that can mitigate the incident or concern. If no such policies are found, it will either suggest a modification to an existing policy (and make the change in draft for you), or create a new policy which you can then edit further. It will then use this information to generate a report explaining the incident report, how it's relevant to the operations of the organization, and how each found policy mitigates any risks it poses. This can save considerable time in ensuring your organization is properly responding to any incidents, hazards or concerns that are raised. Keep in mind it is still experimental and any suggestions it provides should be thoroughly reviewed before use. 

  23. The time-keeping functionality (user clock-in and clock-out actions) has some new features:
    1. Now lets you select a project from a dropdown list when logging work. This project list is maintained in the Configuration tab, under "Work Log Projects". This can be edited by an admin. You can also create sub-projects under those projects.
    2. Two new reports are available (can also be accessed in the dashboard under "User Work Log" and "User Work Log by Project"), let you print out work logs with some optional filters. The User Work Log By Project report lets you provide a flat list of all work for a specific project between two dates. This can then be used in Excel (either copy/paste the report contents or use the Excel Qry option under the report in the Reports menu when in Explore mode).

  24. Added another option for Daily Reminders under a user profile: You can now specify Weekly. This will go out every Monday (at 7am). The reminder is an email digest of all pending assignments to each user.

  25. There's a new report for quizzes under each user: Quiz Results. This will output each quiz (specified by the location of the article containing the quiz) that has been attempted by that user, and whether they passed or failed, with the percentage result. This report is only available to Wiki Managers.

  26. Fixed an issue where moving articles could sometimes cause duplicates to appear in the search results. (Note: you can always reset the search index through Admin Tools / Functions / Reset Search Index).
  27. Fixed an issue where colors would not appear in the diffs view when printing to a PDF.
  28. Fixed an issue where admins would receive an email about scheduled task job failing.
  29. Inserting a table previously showed much smaller than previously. This has now been fixed.
  30. Fixed an issue with pasting tables that contained certain margin values. The tables would paste as plain text instead of as actual tables. 
  31. Fixed an error that appeared when snoozing to-do tasks. It now properly updates the Scheduled Date for the task, removing the assignment until the date it will be assigned again.
  32. Fixed an issue where using custom lists with very large field names (the first time using these lists) would cause the system to crash on startup.
  33. Fixed an issue with the Policy Links Audit Report where any inline risks inserted into policies would show as obfuscated links in this report. They are now excluded.
  34. Fixed an issue with the Tab dropdown selector in the Move (and other) forms, where the order wouldn't be retained and it would sometimes act unpredictably.
  35. Fixed a problem with attachments with ampersands in the filename, which would fail to download after publishing.
  36. An error would appear if you tried to add a user group to a custom list that you were not a member of. 
  37. Fixed some inconsistencies with setting title fields in checklist forms, especially in how these are used with custom lists.
  38. The Scan Recent Changes option in the AI Options area (for keeping the Topic Tree up to date) no longer includes items added into the Templates area, and also now works more efficiently.
  39. When moving to a location as a sub-article, it will now always move the article to the top of any existing child articles. This fixes a bug where the ordering can become random and difficult to reorder over time after moving this way.
  40. Fixed an issue where adding a custom list name manually that conflicted with an existing name could cause that existing form to lose data in certain conditions.
  41. Fixed an issue with access groups on custom lists would sometimes not function as expected.
  42. Fixed an issue with permissions on some of the actions in Admin Functions under an article 
  43. Fixed an issue where an approver removal published right after a move action (across levels) wouldn't show the approval change in the history.
  44. Fixed an issue where a user viewing a page that had been moved to a new location, who then went to edit that page as a wiki manager without first refreshing (so they were at the old location), would result in strange behavior where the article editor could not be accessed.
  45. Fixed an issue with repeating tasks. If a signature was added, then you would no longer be able to update the cloned task that was set on the repeating schedule.
  46. Fixed an issue where an exemption request would show as an approval for the sender while it was being reviewed.
  47. Fixed an issue where sometimes editing the quiz would cause some of the buttons in the toolbar in the editor to temporarily disappear until the page was refreshed.
  48. Fixed an issue where daily reminders would not go out for certain configurations. 
  49. Fixed an issue with dates in the history view showing in the wrong time-zone (when there is a difference between the server and user time-zone).
  50. Fixed some issues with clicking the "play" button to listen to articles, including better handling of bullet lists, and an issue where the article wouldn't stop playing if you switch to a different article half way through.

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Up Since 3/13/2025 3:25:31 PM